
6. 7. 2022
We’re hosting a Food Tech Pitch event with Swissnex!!

“Osaka Landing Pad x Swissnex in Japan Food Tech Pitch with OSAKA FOOD LAB”

“Osaka Landing Pad”, a comprehensive support platform for overseas startups expanding into Osaka, and “Swissnex“, the Swiss global network connecting Switzerland and the world in education, research and innovation, are excited to announce the holding of a joint food tech pitch event.

The event will include a presentation about the Swiss startup ecosystem, food tech information, and pitches by 6 of Swissnex’s carefully selected food tech startups!

All startups will also be considered for collaboration projects with the food experiment site ” OSAKA FOOD LAB ” (Umeda / Nakatsu).

Don’t miss the revolutionary Swiss food tech startups at this event!

Thursday, June 23, 2022 16: 00-17: 30 Online (Zoom)
Sponsored by: Hankyu Hanshin Properties Corp. (GVH # 5)
Co-sponsored by: Swissnex in Japan
Contents: Swiss Startup Ecosystem and Food Tech Information, pitches by Swissnex selected tech startups (6 companies), etc.

Click here to apply!  (Event flyer here) 

【Presenting Startups
 Mikafi  (Your own freshly roasted coffee with a next generation digital user experience. The next generation of Swiss AI powered coffee roasting directly at your counter. )
 Embion  (Give a second life to industrial food waste by recycling them and converting them into highly valuable food supplements. )
 Agrosustain  (No more plastic waste and pollution for fresh fruits packaging. Completely safe and biodegradable protection ensuring optimal freshness for fresh fruits.)
 Arakaïya  (State of the art research in gut bacteria applied to your daily life. Drastically increase your health and well-being through carefully selected micro-organism for your intestinal flora. )
 BRU  (Swiss Designed Tea Brewing Systems)
 Flyability  (Drones bringing solutions to the challenges faced in 21st century farming)



『Osaka Landing Pad × Swissnex in Japan フードテックピッチ with OSAKA FOOD LAB』

海外スタートアップの大阪進出をサポートする”Osaka Landing Pad”とスイスと日本のイノベーションハブをつなぐ” Swissnex in Japan”によるフードテックピッチイベント。

登壇するスタートアップは食の実験場“OSAKA FOOD LAB”(梅田・中津)とのコラボレーション企画も検討中。

日時:2022年6月23日(木)16:00~17:30 オンライン開催(zoom)
   Swissnexの厳選するフードテックスタートアップ(6社)による最新のピッチ 等
共催:Swissnex in Japan(スイス領事館)
<Osaka Landing Pad ローカルパートナー>
 関西経済同友会 IBPC大阪 大阪商工会議所 大阪スタートアップ・エコシステムコンソーシアム

お申込はこちら!  (イベントチラシもご覧ください)

Swissnex 推薦 登壇スタートアップ】
 Mikafi  (次世代コーヒー焙煎機器)
 Embion  (食品廃棄物に新しい価値を与えるサプリメント)
 Agrosustain  (安全に新鮮な果物の鮮度を保つ技術)
 Arakaïya  (腸内細菌の最先端研究を日常生活に)
 BRU  (スイスデザインの茶葉淹れシステム)
 Flyability  (農業へ活用するドローン技術)

